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Date(s) - 19/03/2014 - 25/03/2014
All Day

Alliance Francaise de Bangalore


Francophonie poster 1-page-001

Organised every year around the 20th of March, which is the « International Francophonie day » as well as the International week of Francophonie and the French Language, this event is the annual rendez-vous of the lovers of French language in France and across the world. It offers the opportunity to celebrate the french language by celebrating its richness and diversity.


The theme for 2014 is MADNESS. The activities as well as the visuals are based around the 10 words depicting madness selected by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

The 10 words are as follow :

Ouf (mad), Hurluberlu (scatterbrained), Charivari (pandemonium), Timbré (loony), (S’)enlivrer (to be drunk on reading), À tire-larigot (excessively – like there’s no tomorrow), Tohu-bohu (hurly-burly), Faribole (frivolous / senseless), Zigzag (zigzag), Ambiancer (To liven)


The Alliance Francaise de Bangalore will offer, through range of events, the occasion to discover and share the specificities of French languages from different French-speaking countries through literature, music, games and other surprises.


From the 19.03 to the 25.03, at the Alliance Francaise de Bangalore


Through the week, there will be a mural placed in the lobby where students and the public are invited to write/draw/express themselves around the 10 words for 2014.


There will also be various activities like games, “camera couloir”, behind the scene videos, etc. A team of Congolese media students will film and document the activites of the Francophonie week.


3 Competitions will be announced via Francais Mathadona and our other social networks.


Reading sessions will be organised at the Mediatheque on 3 days – 20-21-22 March – based on 3 different themes. These sessions will be held from 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm. The AF Mediatheque will hold a book sale in the atrium from 20 to 22 March.


The Mediatheque will have citations based on “La Folie / Madness”, and each of the classrooms will be named after one of the 10 words for 2014.


Projections of “La Nuit de la Pub Francophone” will be organised in the lobby throughout the week.




  1. 4e de couverture – Competition announced by Institut Francais India. Writing a book blurb. Imagine the title of a book using one or more of the 10 words for 2014, and write a blurb for this book. Details on www.dismoidixmots.org
  2. Inventez le mot – Invent a new word in French, along with the definition.
  3. Instagram 10 mots – Instagram photos that represent one or many of the 10 words. Hashtag to be created. The hashtag will allow us to gather all the photos and to create a tumblr that can then be projected “live” on the AF wall – deadline 22 March noon to pick a winner for 23rd.